Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Shameless Self Promotion

Sometimes it's healthy to toot your own horn so I thought I would give myself a pat on the back today instead of never feeling like my accomplishments are good enough. Today I set a new PR on the deadlift for 3 reps. Not only did I set the new PR but my trainers said my form is perfect! That excited me more than a new PR, which by the way is 65 pounds heavier than my old one. I also got my trainer to take a picture on what I thought would be the last set. Here's me deadlifting about my own body weight, 135 lbs.

But 135 wasn't my max! I went on to deadlift 145lbs 3 times, even after doing 8 sets of 3 before it. The coaches think my 1 rep max would be around 180-185 pounds right now. I can't wait to see if they're right and if I can break into the 200's before fall! Sweet!

So what was your accomplishment today?

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