Monday, October 18, 2010

Burn Out

I took an unscheduled rest day today.  I know, I know... What's the big deal right?  Well to me it's a huge deal.  I feel antsy and wired even though I'm physically wiped.  Mentally I'm doing backflips and climbing the walls.  I did homework (and some of next week's homework), I did laundry, I cleaned, I watched TV....  Nothing takes the mental power that running and exercising does.  And now it's my bed time and I'm thinking, "Well I could just sneak down to the basement and knock out 30 minutes".  But I know that I won't feel physically better tomorrow if I do that.  I know that I won't make the gains in strength and speed that I need if I do that.  I NEED to go to sleep.  I need to down a glass of chocolate almond milk and cuddle up with my baby in front of the fireplace.  But my mind won't stop begging me to "Just do something"!  I never thought in a million years that I would be addicted to running.  I have always loved being active but I've also always loved my television and my couch.  I don't know what's changed over the last two years but I'm extremely proud of myself.  Now if I could just quiet that voice down so that my rest days (scheduled or not) could be as enjoyable as they used to be.  And then maybe my screaming quads would also take a rest!

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