Saturday, November 6, 2010

Lessons Learned

I took part in a Halloween 5K last weekend, the Zombie 5K.  I assured myself that it was okay to be last or whatever because I 'just had a baby'.  It was a three loop course and I took it easy on the first two laps.  I wasn't used to running on hills and this course was all rolling hills complicated by the fact that the trail was sandy-silty material and very soft.  I finished in 35:58 and reassured myself that I was okay with that, especially since I ran in costume and it was my first post-baby race and it wasn't worse than my personal worst and blah, blah, blah.  Excuses, excuses, excuses.

This morning my running partner, Tom, dragged my butt to the Dirt Monster 5 Mile trail race.  The people who set up the course were telling us how the leaves were dry on top but wet underneath making the trail treacherous.  They said the leaves were hiding a lot of rocks and roots and to be really careful not to turn in ankle.  At that point I was already doubting my ability to run 5 miles let alone on a trail since my longest run to date was 6 very ssssllllllooooowwww miles with Ash in the BOB.  I think I just mentally gave in before I even started.  Half a mile in there was a giant hill that just kept going up for over 1/2 a mile so I told myself it was okay to walk it and I did.  I kept walking the uphills and I was holding back on the downhills because I was afraid of falling or hurting myself.  At the 2 mile marker I let the girl behind me pass thinking I could catch her again.  I stuck to her like glue until around the 3.5 - 4 mile mark (I forgot my Garmin).  At that point one of the local Hashers started chatting with me and we stopped and walked and chatted and I let my rabbit get away.  My goal of a sub-60 minute finish slipped away and I didn't care.  I set a new goal of sub-1:10 and just enjoyed my new acquaintance's ramblings.  As the final hill came into sight I let it carry me down to the finish shoot.  I could see the clock, 1:09:22, and I quickly floored it through, finishing with an official time of 1:09:34.  I looked at the RD and said, "How many people in my age group?"  She said 4 or 5 and I got really excited thinking I might get an award. 

I should have known I couldn't lollygag my way to some hardware.  Results were posted and I realized I had come in 4th in my age group (out of 5 or 6).  That girl I let get away got my hardware!  I am so mad at myself right now!  I can't wait for revenge!  There is an 8K trail race next weekend and you better bet I will NOT be passed again!  Sub-60 minutes (and hopefully hardware!) here I come! 

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