Wednesday, August 22, 2012

GNC is my Friend

I never really supplemented with anything besides a multi-vitamin until this training cycle. Preparing the right way for a marathon left me feeling a little flat. I wasn't really tired but I didn't feel like I was firing on all cylinders either. Box jumps at CrossFit were getting tougher and squats were near impossible. My legs just didn't want to recover the way I needed them to.

That's when GNC stepped in and introduced me to their Ultra Mega Vegetarian Vitapaks. These simple foil packets are stuffed with everything your body needs to make it through the day in plant and whole food-based ingredients.

The first two pills in the packet (green solid pills) are the Ultra Mega Multivitamins. These contain no iron so if you're prone to anemia you may need an additional supplement. These two have a blend of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and enzymes derived from 26 fruits, vegetables, and phytonutrients. With things like vitamins C and E, selenium and green tea extract I am staying healthier and feeling better about the radiation exposure I get on a daily basis (thanks job!).

The two white solid pills are Calcium Citrate. This mineral keeps your bones strong by providing over 50% of the recommended daily value of calcium in a form that is readily available to your body. I've never had a stress fracture and I don't want to ever experience one so I really appreciate this addition to the line up!

The green liquid capsule is Flax Seed oil which is a vegetarian source of omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids are the ones that protect your heart and brain function. They also help maintain digestive and joint health, which us runners know is important! Nobody likes an angry stomach on the trail and we've all had aching joints at one point or another.

The last capsule is a white liquid capsule which is a digestive enzyme formula. These enzymes help your body to complete digest nutrients so that your body is able to make the best use of that diet you've worked so hard to perfect. You balance the macronutrients (fat, carbs, and protein) and this supplement will help your body use them effectively.

All in all, I've been having some really great runs since I started combining the Vitapaks with my EnergyBits. I keep a careful eye on my nutrition and hydration (with the occassional splurge) and then depend on an evolving regimen of supplements to do the rest. I really hope I'll see the difference on Saturday at the Baker 50 Miler!

Do you take a multi? Do you supplement? What works for you? What doesn't?

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